Time to Pause, time to rethink, time to revisit Roxas City

It’s Saturday right now. And every Saturday, Roxas City and her inhabitants are lazily tucked within her nightful of sleep. It’s really worth note taking that even at seven o’clock, on October days like these, students, to be exact, seem not to bother whether or not the sun has already risen. What matters most is to for these temporal vacationers to make the most of their short-lived annual sem-break for one, two, three, or four years from now, never will they ever experience the right to have a vacation. When they’re all professionals and when they’re too engrossed minding their filled pockets and empty lives, they’ll have the word vacation on their vocabulary.

Sem-breaks like this, I will never have. Six months ago, the moment I stepped down from my graduation stage, I have forevermore relinquished my rights to have this to-die-for sembreak. So even now, even though everyone around me are still lazily tucked on their beds, unconsciously salivating and dreaming of the best dreams they can have in the world, here I am, scribbling on my laptop, trying to make a living and trying to find the life of my own. But I’ll make amends, and I’ll make sure that three to five years from now, I’ll still be enjoying my life and have time to myself. Here in this small yet serene city I call home, here I am, finding ways on how to live and enjoy life to the fullest.